naviarhaiku542 – sudden dazzling glare

sudden dazzling glare
- the low sun briefly pierces
a veil of dark cloud



by: Raymond Cobley


Raymond Cobley is an experimental composer and regular participant in our Haiku challenge. Now retired, Raymond aims to explore the possibilities afforded by open-source software, which he uses exclusively for creating and editing both sounds & images. All his works are published ​under a Creative Commons licence, and free for anybody to download or remix.


haiku by Raymond Cobley

picture by Łukasz Łada

Join The Naviar Haiku Music Challenge

This haiku poem is part of the Naviar haiku music challenge, where artists are invited to make music in response to a weekly assigned haiku poem. Participation is free and there are no limitations in the songs’ length or genre.

You have seven days from the posting of this haiku to submit your track. For information on how to make a submission, visit the Naviar Haiku Music Challenge page.

Submission deadline: 29th May 2024

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