naviarhaiku361 – abandoned farmhouse

abandoned farmhouse
off the snow-piled roof
gusts of ghosts

Michael Dudley ( was born in downtown Toronto and reared in the Greater Toronto Area.  He later lived and worked for 35 years in rural Southwestern Ontario.  From May 2018 until June 2020 he continuously travelled.  He is the father of three adults and the author of numerous poetry collections, including pilgrimage:  ha!ku selected & new, Red Moon Press, 2017.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 9th December 2020

haiku by Michael Dudley

picture by Shapelined

4 thoughts on “naviarhaiku361 – abandoned farmhouse”

  1. Dear composers and performers,
    Your impressive musical tracks engage, affect, and animate; I celebrate your expressive array of interpretations and presentations. Being part of such collaboration has been an honour for me. With great appreciation and respect,

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