naviarhaiku325 – true tranquillity

true tranquillity
hiding underneath creased sheets –
unknowable blue

Mark already offered a haiku for our music challenge a few months ago, and today he published Deep Blue: Haiku About The Sea, a great little book exploring the Earth’s oceans using haiku poetry. This is a beautiful collection which took me 30 mins to finish, but requires multiple reads to fully appreciate its variety. If you’re interested you can get your digital copy on Amazon here

Mark Morris is a journalist with more than a decade of experience writing for major broadcasters and national publications in the UK. He runs the Twitter account Pure Land Haiku, which has a simple goal best explained in the form of its strap-line: haiku to help you relax. In addition to above, Mark also produces music under the pseudonym Pure Land Haiku Music and Journoiz.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 1st April 2020

haiku by Mark Morris

picture by Ivana Cajina

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