Naviarhaiku216 – Looking up


Ippekiro Nakatsuka was one of the first to introduce the colloquial style into haiku poetry. His poems didn’t follow the 17 syllables’ structure, and most of the times also didn’t include the kigo word (seasonal reference). For Nakatsuka, what mattered the most was the ability to reduce a poem into a single picture or thought, with as little words as possible.

This more modern, free style haiku is called Kaiko, and was (at least officially) invented by Nakatsuka and Kawahigashi Hekigodo in 1915.

The most famous collection of verses by Nakatsuka is Cape Jasmine and Pomegranates.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to particiipate visit

Deadline: 28th February 2018

Poem by Nakatsuka Ippekiro

Picture by Bryan Minear