Naviar Broadcast #3 – How Heavy – Wednesday 21st February 2018

This week’s podcast includes music made by Naviar’s community inspired by the haiku poem: “How heavy / on my eyes, / the winter sun”.


Oxebe — Naviarhaiku 214 (2018)
FJNA — Haiku # 214 (2018)
JRBjork — How Heavy The Sun (2018)
Scott Lawlor – the winter sun (2018)
GLSmyth — The Heavy Winter Sun Appears (2018)
Tuonela — The weight of sunlight  (2018)
Detritus Tabu3 – Weather (2018)  Samples Sonny & The Sunsets


music intro: “This ruined house” by Tuonela
voice intro: Ian Joyce
voice reciting the haiku: Neil Stringfellow aka Audio Obscura
cover image: Micah Hallahan