NH118 MIX: silence arrives / as mountains / wrapped in rain

Most of the tracks included in this podcast were inspired by the following poem, written by Kashyapi:

Silence arrives
As mountains
Wrapped in rain

Music from the Naviar Haiku project (NH118), Richard Skelton, Leonardo Rosado & Birds of Passage. more info at https://www.naviarrecords.com/about/na…


sklawlor — as Mountains (NH118)
sevenısm│●■●│ — cumulus (NH118)
Thoribass — Mist (NH118)
Richard Skelton – Noon Hill Wood
Flat Stone — Wrapped In Rain (NH118)
Carlos R — Hospitality (NH118)
Night Note — silenzio (NH118)
Leonardo Rosado & Birds of Passage – We’ll always have Paris
Spacey Blurr❌ – Silence Arrives As Mountains Wrapped In Rain (NH118)
Tuonela — Sibrune (NH118)
ikjoyce — The Mountain (NH118)