naviarhaiku462 – Icarus

the pelican hovers
mid flight

We discovered Kimberly’s writings on Twitter. If you find the haiku we chose inspiring, make sure you explore her Twitter profile for more evocative poems.

“I am blessed to live by the sea. This informs a lot of my ‘ku. I also try to write honestly about my struggles with depression. Not sure how successful I am on that topic. It’s hard. The nature poems come easier. I began writing haiku about four years ago. I try to write daily, giving myself Sundays & holidays off. ‘Ku is a kind of discipline for me—much like a daily walk or yoga practice. Haiku quite simply saved my life.”

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 16th November 2022

haiku by Kimberly A. Horning

picture by Kevin Rajaram

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