naviarhaiku440 – the sixth month

the sixth month –
with clouds laid on its summit

For our 440th haiku challenge, I chose a poem by the greatest haiku master, Matsuo Basho (1644 – 1694).

In his late twenties, Basho moved to Edo (now Tokyo), where he joined the local active poetry community: he started writing under the name Basho after he received a basho tree from one of his students. Basho wrote in a particular form called Haibun, a fusion of haiku and prose: his most famous haibun collection is The Narrow Road to the Interior.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 15th June 2022

haiku by Matsuo Basho (Tr. Ueda Makoto)

picture by iccup

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