naviarhaiku366 – An old carousel

An old carousel
Riding peacocks and dragons
Distant memory

The picture depicts an old Victorian carousel in a permanent fun fair at Sutton Park (on the edge of Birmingham), active until the beginning of the early 1960s. The haiku of the week, by John Hinks, is inspired by this carousel, and those days.

Drifting in the Void from ray_cobley on Vimeo.

John Hinks, aka FlownBlue, is a prolific and talented composer, and a regular participant in the Haiku challenge. Aside from his solo project, John is also involved in three improvising duos: ‘Windfall Light‘ (with Jim Tetlow), ‘Abstract Blue‘ (with Kevin Buckland) and ‘Light Fragments‘ (with Steve Escott).

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate, visit

Deadline: 13th January 2021

haiku by John Hinks

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