naviarhaiku355 – wind tunnel . . .

wind tunnel . . .
a hummingbird fans
the morning glory

Here’s a haiku by poet, editor, anthologist, and festival director Kala Ramesh. Since 2005 Kala has explored various genres of poetry, including haiku, tanka, senryu, haibun and renku, and has been published in leading e-zines and anthologies. In 2018, Kala took part in a panel discussion during the third edition of the Naviar Haiku Fest in London.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 28th October 2020

haiku by Kala Ramesh

picture by Wes Hicks

4 thoughts on “naviarhaiku355 – wind tunnel . . .”

  1. Thanks for featuring my haiku, Naviar Records.
    I listened to all the inspired music pieces. Sounded very good.

    I see you’ve chosen one more of my haiku that’s coming up next.
    Thanks again.

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