naviarhaiku343 – Persistently I stare

Persistently I stare
At the moon
Still I cannot hear

Sugiyama Sanpu (1647-1732) suffered from severe hearing problems for his whole life.

What differentiates Sanpu from the other disciples of Matsuo Basho is that he was also a patron, helping Basho establish his school of haiku. At the end of his life, the great haiku master wrote a goodbye letter to Sanpu:

“I tell you, Sanpu, that I shall never forget the generous support I have received from you over the years, even after my body no longer exists. It is regrettable for both of us that my life is ending in an unexpected place and therefore I cannot say farewell to you in person. I hope you will keep working on your haiku and that it provides entertain- ment for you in your old age.”

From “The History of Nihonbashi Uogashi Part 4: The Vanishing Uogashi” by Issei Tomioka


Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 5th August 2020

haiku by Sugiyama Sanpu

picture by Guzmán Barquín

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