naviarhaiku300 – four, five, nine years


four, five, nine years
always the first to bloom...
cherry tree


Today we start our 300th Haiku challenge. It feels like an incredible milestone and, looking back at how this project has been filling my life with new friends and music for the last 5 years, I'm grateful to all of you for keeping it alive and inspiring. I hope this journey together has, and will, help you stay creative for a very long time.

For the occasion I chose this poem by Kobayashi Issa, an author I've learnt to appreciate over time, especially for his optimism: his poems were often lively and humorous, despite his life was marked by sorrow.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 9th October 2019

haiku by Kobayashi Issa

picture by Irina Iriser

1 thought on “naviarhaiku300 – four, five, nine years”

  1. Hi Marco, congratulations! And many, many thanks for the weekly inspiration and the opportunity to gather our creativity on this common project. I am proud to be part of this overarching art-creating movement! I look forward to many more opportunities to be challenged and to enjoy the many unique brand new creations of our gifted composers. I wish Naviarhaiku many new members and a wealth of enthusiastic listeners!
    Best wishes for the next one hundred weeks!
    Robert Knote

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