naviarhaiku261 – mountain village


We conclude our exploration of the Bulgarian haiku scene with a poem by Iliyana Stoyanova, who selected all the poems we shared for the last 4 weeks.

“Iliyana Stoyanova lives in England. She has a PhD in Theology. She is the Living Legacies Editor at the Living Haiku Anthology, Communications Officer and BHS Awards Administrator at the British Haiku Society, Secretary of the United Haiku and Tanka Society, and also a member of Haiku Club-Plovdiv and The London Haiku Group. Her first book Ostrovityansko Haiku (Shimajin Haiku) was published in Bulgaria in 2010. Her haiku and other poems have been published in numerous journals and anthologies, and won several international awards. Iliyana enjoys photography, watercolour painting, travelling, and reading.”

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit

Deadline: 9th January 2019

haiku by Iliyana Stoyanova

picture by Vladimir Nordmann