naviarhaiku243 – Mountain and moor


Widely regarded as one of the most important female haiku poets, Fukuda Chiyo-ni was a Japanese poet of the Edo period. She started writing haiku early in her childhood and was strongly influenced by Basho’s poetry (probably because her teachers were his students).

The fundamentals in Basho’s poetry include: sabi (detached loneliness), wabi (poverty of spirit), hosomi (slenderness, sparseness), shiori (tenderness), sokkyo (spontaneity), makoto (sincerity), fuga (elegance), karumi (simplicity), kyakkan byosha (objectivity), and shiZen to hitotsu ni naru (oneness with nature). Fukuda Chiyo-ni was particularly interested in the latter, since most of her poetry deals with the realm of nature.

I found this haiku in the free ebook Those Women Writing Haiku by Jane Reichhold

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit


Deadline: 5th September 2018

haiku by Fukuda Chiyo-ni

picture by Noah Silliman

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