Naviarhaiku231 – Men, women,

The author of the week is probably my favorite Japanese poet, and whose life is just as interesting as his haiku.

“Near the end of December 1924, Santoka, drunk and apparently intent on committing suicide, stood in the middle of some railroad tracks facing an oncoming train. The train screeched to a halt just in time, and Santoka was pulled out of the way. He was taken to a nearby Zen temple call Ho-on-ji. The head priest there, Gian Mochizuki Osho, did not reprimand or question Santoka; he didn’t even ask his name. The monk fed Santoka and told him he could stay at the temple as long as he wished.” (John Stevens, who translated Santoka’s collection Mountain Tasting)

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit


Deadline: 13th June 2018

Poem by Santoka Taneda

Picture by Adam Cybulski

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