Naviarhaiku207 – the woman

onna kara
saki e kasumu zo

This week’s haiku was written by Kobayashi Issa, one of the four great masters of Japanese haiku. Here’s what William Higginson said about this poem on his book Haiku Handbook: how to write, share, and teach haiku

“This is not a bathing beauty, but a fully clothed woman who, barefoot, leads the way to see what treasures the tide has left. The appearance of shells, both empty and full of life, on the beach after the tide goes out has its opposite in the woman, who disappears into the mist. The sea reveals at least a small part of itself as the mist envelops one of those who come to see that revelation.”

Seven days to make music in response to Issa’s poem: more info at


Deadline: 27th December 2017

Poem by Kobayashi Issa

Picture by Dani Aláez

1 thought on “Naviarhaiku207 – the woman”

  1. I got a winter jisei of mine for you 🙂
    ‘weisse schattenwand / wintersonnenwanderung / horch doch: die stille!’

    ‘white shadow wall / winter sun’s wandering / but listen: that silence!’

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