Naviarhaiku202 – wind blows its way to

I was glad to see so many sound interpretations of Santoka’s poem I posted last week: since he’s one of the haiku writers I appreciate the most I propose another one of his poems for our 202nd challenge, selected among the 8,400 poems he composed during his lifetime, many of which can be found at

Seven days to make music inspired by Santoka’s poem. Find out more and participate at


Deadline: 22nd November 2017

Poem by Taneda Santōka

Picture by Patrick Fore

3 thoughts on “Naviarhaiku202 – wind blows its way to”

  1. after a long time hiatus (and a long time no see:)) – I will try to participate again regularly at naviar haiku’s :))
    first track for your sad november haiku: ‘totensonntag’ (sunday of (mourning of) the dead)

    and as a gift, one of my haikus in italiano:
    ‘una cantante / suona una sola voce / un fiume du blu’ (one singer / one single voice sounding / a river of blue)

    1. Hi Fabio, so glad to see (and especially hear) you again! Thank you for your music and beautiful haiku in Italian. I hope to hear more of your works soon!

  2. tante grazie! :)) … and I had in mind with my haiku: ellen lee shoemaker – ‘the tunnelsinger’… maybe you know her and her work of overtone singing: truely sometimes an acustic ‘river of blue’!

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