naviarhaiku283 – The clear day in the rainy season

The clear day in the rainy season.
The madder red of the twilight appeared
And vanished instantly.

I came across this poem by Takahama Kyoshi on the website Masterpieces of Japanese culture.

Kyoshi was the editor of the haiku magazine Hototogisu, which promoted a more traditional style of haiku compared to other contemporary schools which were not following the pattern of seventeen syllables at that time. Kyoshi also highlighted the symbolic function of the kigo (the season word), even though the more modern trends were already tending towards season-less haiku. He was active during the Shōwa period of Japan.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit


Deadline: 12th June 2019

haiku by Takahama Kyoshi
picture by Kevin Hou