I hope you’ll find this poem by Etheridge Knight as inspiring as the one posted last week.
On the back of his 1968 debut collection, Poems from Prison, Knight stated “I died in Korea from a shrapnel wound, and narcotics resurrected me. I died in 1960 from a prison sentence and poetry brought me back to life.”
For those interested in finding out more about Knight there’s Understanding Etheridge Knight, a book by Michael S. Collins
Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit https://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku
Deadline: 14th November 2018
haiku by Etheridge Knight https://terebess.hu/eglish/haiku/knight.html
picture by Robert Dickow https://unsplash.com/@robertdickow