Naviarhaiku223 – Meditation class

I’m quite sure this is the first time I share I haiku written by me.

In February I spent 10 days in Himachal Pradesh, a northern Indian state in the Himalayas, practicing yoga 4 hours a day with my partner. Even though the yoga class was initially my idea, I soon realized that I lacked the flexibility (and patience) to enjoy it fully. We would start at 6,30AM with meditation, and that was my favourite part as sometimes, for a few moments, I was able to free my mind completely. In those rare occasions my senses were sharper, and after practicing for a few days I heard the sound of a waterfall, which I knew was in the village but I didn’t hear before.

Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit


Deadline: 18th April 2018

Poem by Marco Alessi

Picture by Patrick Hendry