Naviarhaiku185 – harmattan moon

Here’s our final haiku written by a member of the Africa Haiku Network, Celestine Nudanu

As well as being a passionate reader and book reviewer, Celestine is also a poet, with a budding interest for haiku. Although she says she is a work-in-progress, her works have been included in two anthologies: Western Haiku: A Collection, and Ballads, both produced by Dagda Publishing UK. Her haiku have also been featured in renowned online haiku journals including Cattails, Collected Works of UHTS, The Mamba, Journal of African Haiku Network (of which she is a Supporting Editor), Akita International Haiku Network (Japan), Failed Haiku – A Journal of English Senryu, Prune Juice, The Bamboo Hut, Haikuniverse, Brassbell Journal of Haiku, and Flamingo Clouds (Netherlands). Celestine is also a member of the Ghana Association of Writers (GAW) and the United Haiku and Tanka Society (UHTS), USA.

Seven days to make music inspired by haiku: to participate visit


Deadline: 26th July 2017

Haiku by Celestine Nudanu

Picture by Frantzou Fleurine