Naviarhaiku181 – blackout

I’m very excited to start a new collaboration with the Africa Haiku Network, a blossoming community of African haiku poets founded in 2015. This week’s poem was written by a member of its community, Ghanaian poet Nana Fredua-Agyeman. Some of Nana’s poems have been published in magazines such as Frogpond, The Heron’s Nest, Acorn and at e-zines such as and Shamrock Haiku Journal.

Nana has three blogs: Haiku from Ghana is where he publishes his poems;  ImageNations, where he writes about more mainstream poetry and reviews books; and Black Pathology for social, political and other non-literary topics.


DEADLINE: 28th June

Poem by Nana Fredua-Agyeman

Picture by Nathan Anderson