A piano is a conversation
best answered
by a violin
Naviar Haiku is about communication between different arts and a similar concept is behind the poem by Bauke Kamstra: music is all about chemistry between instruments, between musicians, between human beings and nature...
Haiku poem by Bauke Kamstra ( https://twitter.com/Wyrde )
Picture by Jan Fidler ( https://www.flickr.com/photos/hypotekyfidler )
This haiku poem is part of the Naviar haiku music challenge, where artists are invited to make music in response to a weekly assigned haiku poem. Participation is free and there are no limitations in the songs’ length or genre.
You have seven days from the posting of this haiku to submit your track. For information on how to make a submission, visit the Naviar Haiku Music Challenge page.
Submission deadline: 23rd April 2014