naviarhaiku006 – Flesh becomes logic

Flesh becomes logic

orange blossoms atomise

constellations tilt


Few days ago a team of Australian astronomers has discovered a star that is 13.7 billion years old, making it the oldest star ever observed. The star formed just after the Big Bang and contains less iron than predicted by previous research. Few weeks ago we tried to create the noise of the universe: this time the task is to recreate the sound of the Big Bang.

The time when the Universe was a hot and dense unicum, its rapid expansion and its relentless movement towards the infinite have to be condensed to a single music composition.

Haiku by MyHaikuProject  (

Picture by Hubble Space Telescope

This haiku poem is part of the Naviar haiku music challenge, where artists are invited to make music in response to a weekly assigned haiku poem. Participation is free and there are no limitations in the songs’ length or genre.

You have seven days from the posting of this haiku to submit your track. For information on how to make a submission, visit the Naviar Haiku Music Challenge page.

Submission deadline: 19th February 2014