In his eyes
sunlight glistens
the universe reflected
Music from the Haiku project (challenges 123 and 124)
Naviarhaiku 123 - In his eyes - (Poem by maxstjohn
Flat Stone – The Universe Reflected The Universe Reflected
Scott Lawlor – Playful reflection
Night Note – so I see it
Amado Ohland – The universe reflected
Sevenism – waves
2nd part:
North of the mountains
Aliens and dangerous
Darkening clouds
Naviarhaiku 124 - North of the mountains – ( Poem by Back Roads Haiku
Thoribass – Dark Mountains
Ed mundio – The Mountain that disappeared into the fog
ikjoyce – North of the mountain
Bassling – Mountain Pass
Phocasm – Ominous
koam – North of the Mountains
Yum Haruki – North dangerous darkness