Haiku Podcast #29

Music from the Haiku challenge #152, Bump Foot Records and Shimmer Crush.


Fading light
His voice in the crowd
Of shadows

by Lorin Ford http://terebess.hu/english/haiku/ford…

earthborn visions — ovoid cashew (Naviarhaiku 152)
mikk rebane – blue windsor soup
piettro – yang
ikjoyce — The Crowded Shadows (NaviarHaiku152)
mikk rebane – rhizopus affection
Shimmer Crush – Betrayal
Scott Lawlor – Fading Light (Naviarhaiku 152)
Shimmer Crush – Raging
Lionel Benancie — DD95 (Naviarhaiku 152)
piettro – konton
Shimmer Crush – The Depths of Experience
Pedro Figueiredo — Fading Light (Naviarhaiku 152)
Windspace – Shades of Foucault (naviarhaiku152)
Detritus Tabu3 — nobody (Naviarhaiku152)
Shimmer Crush – Denial
mikk rebane – swell